Giveaway Mode

What is Hangry Games?

Hangry Games is a tongue-in-cheek parody on the Hunger Games franchise, with a slightly sadistic food theme.

Sign up to a game with your friends, volunteer as a tribute, and sit back and watch you slaughter each other with creative food themed attacks.

May the odds be ever in your flavor!

Giveaway Mode

Giveaway mode is currently in open beta, which means we're actively working to improve it and add more functionality in the future. If giveaway mode doesn't have a feature you'd love to see, feel free to reach out in our Discord server to share your feedback and suggestions!

Many Discord servers use Hangry Games for giveaways. This is why we've created a separate giveaway mode to allow users to have more control over the conditions in which giveaways are run.

To start a giveaway, use the /hangrygames giveaway command.

Command Options

The /hangrygames giveaway command has some extra parameters compared to your classic casual game of Hangry Games in order to allow you to customize the game.

  • prize: All giveaways require a prize to be entered in order to create the giveaway.

  • sponsor: (optional) If the prize is sponsored by an individual, for example, @John if John wants to give away some stickers for Monopoly Go. If you don't set a sponsor then only the prize for the giveaway will be shown in the signup and winner messages.

  • feasts: (optional, defaults to False if not set) Determines whether your giveaway should include Feasts of the Dead. This is off by default in Giveaway mode since most servers prefer to exclude feasts from their giveaways due to their voting. If you start /hangrygames giveaway without setting this feasts parameter, feasts will not show in your game. If you do want feasts in your giveaway, set this parameter to True.

If a sponsor is set, they will be asked to confirm if they want to join the giveaway as a tribute in order to prevent accidental joins. Please note that once a sponsor enters their own giveaway, they cannot be removed from the list of tributes, similarly to other players.

Launching Hangry Games in Giveaway Mode

To start the giveaway, simply click the fork and knife emoji button in the signup message as you would for a regular round of Hangry Games. The game will run, just like a regular round of Hangry Games but with feasts disabled unless you opted-in to allow feasts when running the /hangrygames giveaway command for signup.

Please note that Burger Masters cannot start Hangry Games in Giveaway mode. Only the giveaway organiser (the user who ran the initial /hangrygames giveaway command) or a server member with Manage Server permissions can start a giveaway.

Last updated